Irina Khomasuridze


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    Doctor of Medical Sciences (CT No. 125940 Moscow)
    30 years of continuous professional experience in ultrasound diagnostics
    38 years of experience in medicine

    •  Author of scientific works, abstract; publications in scientific and practical
      journals, including "Echography" (Moscow); "Ultrasound and functional
      diagnostics" (Moscow)
    • Member of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology Associations of
      Georgia, participant of Ian Donald School, a large number of literary
      conferences and seminars.
      Work experience:
    • 2013-Till now High-tech Hospital "Medcenter" – Radiologist.
    • 2011- until now "Medina" health center – Radiologist.
    • 2004 - 2011 Batumi Republican Center of Maternal and Child Health-
    • 1992 -2004 Clinical Hospital of the Batumi Oil Refinery.
    • Until 1992, Alma-Ata City Infectious Diseases Hospital #1 infectious
      disease specialist.
    • 2015 Dissertation - National Institute for the Development of Quality
      in Education of Georgia, was awarded the degree of Doctor of
    • 2013 Alma-Ata State Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education
      "Ultrasonic diagnosis of congenital malformations of the fetus"
    • 2004 Department of Radiation Diagnostics, State Educational
      Establishment of the Institute for Advanced Studies of the Federal
      Department of Biological Problems under the Ministry of Health of the

    Russian Federation, the work was completed and an abstract was
    published (a dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of
    Medical Sciences).

    • 2004 was awarded the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences
      (Moscow, July 2, 2004 KT #125940).
    • 2004 Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Scientific Center of
      Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, raising qualifications in the
      Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics.
    • 2002 Moscow, Scientific research laboratory of innovative diagnostic
      methods and expertise "In-depth study of blood vessels and head
    • 2000 Moscow, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate
      Education, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Complex
      ultrasound examination of the vascular system.
    • 1995-1996 Scientific Center of Surgery named after A.N. Sygzanov
      “Study of the main and peripheral blood vessels using Doppler, as
      well as duplex scanning of blood flow.
    • 1995 Specialization in the department of computer tomography at the
      workplace "The basis of the method and analysis of computer
    • 1993 Alma-Ata Diagnostic Center. Specialty - "Abdominal cavity and
      pelvis organs".
    • 1992 Kazakh Research Institute of Oncology and Diagnostics with
      the development of methods of puncture biopsy under the control of
      ultrasound and computed tomography.
    Clinic address

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    You can visit this doctor at the clinic on Pushkinis 118.

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