

The ophthalmology department is functioning in the high-tech hospital Medcenter, which is equipped with qualified personnel and modern technologies of the highest quality.

The following studies can be carried out in the clinic:

  • High-quality optical coherence-tomography and photography of the retina were carried out for the first time in Adjara;
  • Intraocular pressure measurement with one of the most accurate I-care devices in the world;
  • Digital biomicroscopy;



  • YAG laser treatment of secondary cataract. restoration of sight in 1 minute painlessly;
  • Retinal Laser Photocoagulation
  • Seamless, bloodless cataract surgery using ultrasound on the Alcon equipment (device): Implantation of intra-ocular lenses;
  • Glaucoma surgery – implantation of various shunts;
  • Dacryocystorhinostomy probing of the Nasolacrimal Duct;
  • Intravitreal injections: Avastin, Eylea;
  • Eyelid surgery: Ectropion;
  • Xanthelasma;