

In the gynecological department of the “Medcenter” clinic, the patient can undergo complete prevention, diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases.

In the gynecological department, sonohysterosalpingoscopy and sonohysterosalpingography are performed to identify pathologies of the uterine cavity. And the patency and functioning of the fallopian tubes are checked by metrosalpingography.


For various pathologies of the cervix, the following are used:

  • Cryodestruction
  • Ablation and conization
  • Electrocoagulation


Prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment of cervical pathologies:

  • Colposcopy
  • Papanicolaou test


In the clinic “Medcenter” the following types of gynecological manipulations and operations are carried out:

  • Cryodestruction of the cervix
  • Conization of the cervix with local anesthesia
  • Electrocoagulation
  • Radiofrequency ablation (RFA)
  • Diagnostic hysteroscopy
  • Hysteroresectoscopy (HRS)
  • Salpingography (gynecological share)
  • Taking aspirate from the uterine cavity
  • Amputation / extirpation of the uterus by laparotomy
  • Laparoscopic hysterectomy
  • Laparoscopic ovarian cauterization
  • Ovarian apoplexy (laparoscopy)
  • Ovarian drilling
  • Torsion of the uterine appendages (laparoscopy)
  • Ectopic pregnancy (laparoscopy)
  • Vaginal extirpation of the uterus with vaginal plastic
  • Excision of the cervix
  • Uterus amputation (laparoscopy)
  • Plastic of the vaginal walls
  • Cyst of the vaginal wall
  • Chromopertubation
  • Laparocentesis
  • Plastic of the labia
  • Defloration
  • Plastic of the hymen
  • Surgery for ruptured uterus
  • Laparoscopic sterilization
  • Vulvectomy, vaginal total Prolift mesh implantation
  • Vaginal plastic for genital prolapse (mesh)
  • Сolpocystopexy with prolapse of the genitals and urinary incontinence (mesh)
  • Surgery to preserve the fallopian tube
  • Partial removal of the fallopian tube due to tubal ectopic pregnancy
  • Total excision of the fallopian tube
  • Plastic of the fallopian tubes (laparoscopy)
  • Introduction of a hormonal replacement coil into the uterine cavity


Laboratory studies:

  • Bacterioscopic examination of the smear
  • Aspirate from the cervical canal and uterine cavity for cytological examination
  • Cytological examination of the cervix
  • Histological examination
  • PCR of HPV virus
  • Tumor markers

Nino Tsiskaridze


Luiza Bejanidze


Irina Nikuradze


Irina Iremadze

Obstetrician-gynecologist, colposcopist