Pushkinis 118
Pushkinis 118

Blood Bank

In the “Medcenter” there is a blood bank equipped with the best equipment and staffed with professional doctors. The collection, processing, storage and distribution of blood is carried out on site in compliance with all safety standards and norms.

Blood and blood products are constantly needed by the most severe patients, including children.

As the World Health Organization recommends, ensuring a sufficient and reliable supply of safe blood can only be achieved by creating a stable base of regular and selfless donors. These donors represent the safest group for donation, as the prevalence of bloodborne infections among them is low. All healthy adults can donate blood once every 2 months, 5-6 times a year, completely safe. If the number of donors who donate blood without any interest increases, the supply of safe blood will also increase.

Blood donation is a safe and painless process.

Donate blood to save life!

  • If you are between 18 and 60 years old;
  • Your weight is more than 55;
  • Your hemoglobin is within normal limits;
  • You do not have blood-borne infections (HIV, viral hepatitis, syphilis, malaria);

  • The doctor will conduct an interview with the donor based on a medical questionnaire;
  • An initial medical examination is carried out, a brief history is taken, weight, temperature and pulse are checked;

  • Hemoglobin, blood type and Rh factor;
  • Having passed all the procedures, the donor is sent to the donation room;
  • Donate blood to save life!

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    The advantages of our hospital

    • Location;
    • Patient appointment system;
    • All types of high-tech, precise laboratory research;
    • Ultramodern equipment;
    • Highly qualified staff;
    • Pleasant environment.

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