Memed Jincharadze

Head of the Department of Oncology and Oncosurgery, oncologist, mammologist, doctor of medicine

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    Priority directions of clinical activity are considered to be:
    Mammology, Oncosurgery and Oncourology.
    1979-1985 Saratov State Medical Institute (Soviet Union) Faculty of
    1985-1986 Subordination and internship in surgery.
    1989-1991 Clinical residency in urology in Saratovsky State Medical
    1991 Specialization in oncology at the Allied Cancer Research Center
    in Moscow.
    1998 defended the dissertation on the topic "Epidemiological features
    of lung cancer in Adjara. "
    Professional Experience:
    1987-1989 Russian Federation, (Soviet Union) Ulyanovsk region.
    Terengul Central District Hospital – General Surgeon.
    In 1991, he began working as an oncosurgeon and oncourologist at
    the Oncology Center Adjara Autonomous Republic.
    1993 Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs in Adjara Cancer
    1994-2004 Director of the Adjara Cancer Center
    2004-2014 Head of the oncosurgery department of the Adjara Cancer
    2014-2016 Clinical Director of Adjara OncoCenter.
    From 2016 till now, the head of the onco-surgical department of the
    high-tech hospital Medcenter.
    From 1994 till now, an expert-oncologist of the Ministry of Health of
    Teaching experience:

    Since 1998 he has been teaching at the Faculty of Medicine of the Batumi
    State Shota Rustaveli University.
    Since 2015, the supervisor of two doctoral theses.
    Member of public organizations:
    • Chairman of the Adjara Regional Committee of the Association of
    Georgian Doctors;
    • Member of the Association of Oncologists of Georgia;
    • Member of the Board of the Georgian National Association of Palliative

    Scientific activities and practical grants:
    Participant of 77 national and international conferences and congresses in
    the field of oncology, oncosurgery, oncourology and palliative care.
    From 2007 until now, the main investigator in 9 clinical researches.
    Regional coordinator of three grants in the field of oncology and palliative
    care. Coordinator of one national and two international grants.
    Author and co-author of more than 50 scientific works.
    1996 - 2007 Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Health of Georgia
    1999 Honorary Medal of the Ministry of Health of Georgia "Best
    2012 Order of the President of Georgia N26/06/01 dated June 26,
    2012 He was awarded the Medal of Honor.
    2012 Order of the President of Georgia N 17/09/02 on September 17
    awarded with the Order of Honor.
    2019 For long and fruitful work in the field of medicine by order

    Mayor's Office of Batumi N237 dated March 4, 2019 was awarded the
    title of "Honored employee."
    .2019 The Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the
    Autonomous Republic of Adjara was awarded him with a certificate
    for his contribution to the medical services of the population of the
    Adjara Republic

    Clinic address

    Clinic address

    You can visit this doctor at the clinic on Pushkinis 118.

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