შორენა ზოსიძე

Shorena Zosidze

Oncologist, endocrine surgeon, mammologist

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    Academic degree: Doctor, Oncologist

    In 1999-2005, the Medical Faculty of Shota Rustaveli State University.

    In 2007-2009 Postgraduate Academy, Republic of Ukraine in the city of

    Kyiv, Specializing in oncosurgery.

    Experience in years:

    In 2005-2007, Adjara Oncocenter as a junior doctor

    From 2009 until now, he has been working as an oncologist at the high-

    tech hospital “MedCenter.”

    Direction of clinical activity:

    Mammology, head, skin, soft tissue and abdominal surgery, as well as

    plastic surgery.

    Clinic address

    Clinic address

    You can visit this doctor at the clinic on Pushkinis 118.

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